Employee Representation
The GBC requires all employers to engage with worker representatives and to ensure there is a voice that represents employees around the boardroom table.

About Mobius Capital
Mobius Capital is creating a group of independent employee owned businesses that work collaboratively to build better businesses. By transitioning the business to Employee Ownership we assis t the company in creating a culture of employee representation.
Employee Representation
Creating employee representation within a company can come in many different forms, from recognising collective barganing agreements with unions to creating employee forums that give employees a voice.
A voice however is only useful if someone is listening, a lot of companies have great relationships with unions and collective barganing, for some however the relationship can become confrontational, with each side trying to win points against each other which can cause problems between the business interests and those of the staff. For example the railway industry goes through a lot of distruption with unions fighting the business for hard won considerations.
At Mobius Capital, we want to create a new level of employee representation, allowing staff to be heard within the business, but also have the opportunity to help steer the business into a new way or to find opportunities for themselves to grow.
Staff Forums
Creating a staff forum for each business is an initial start for any employee representation. The whole process should be two way, allowing members of staff to communicate with members of the leadership team but also for the leadership team to communicate back to the members of staff, changes and news about the business. Ensuring that staff are aware of things that may affect them.
The benefit of a group of indepentant staff owned businesses allows us to share resources, this includes the ability for us to create a group wide forum in which members of staff are able to share ideas and connections across all businesses.
Allowing them to share knowledge and experience at every level, but also to open up opportunities between businesses within the group.
Staff Council
A Staff council is a more formal arrangement for the employee forum, giving elected members of staff the ability to create collective barganing agreements with the leadership team.
Each business will hold electons for staff council members from eligible members of staff. The staff council will represent the staff on both the board of trustees and the board of directors.
However, to be able to suceed and offer assistance to the business each elected member of the staff council will need to receive training on how be productive and to understand their additional responsibilities.
In additional to the training, collaboration and networking capabilities will be availble for all elected staff council.
Whistle blowing
For staff to have representation, they need to be able to raise issues in a safe manner without risk of any repercussions, it is therefore imperative that a whistle blowing policy is implemented which is maintained separately from the leadership of the business.
As part of the group a whistle blowing policy will be created that will bring in senior management from another business to investigate any escalated issue as an independent adjudicator.
This will ensure that the staff are able to escalate any issue which will be investigated and dealt with in a fair and equal way for all involved.
The primary need of a whistle blowing policy is to ensure that all members of staff have a safe and secure method to raise concerns, these are not limited to cases of misconduct, so a member of staff could raise a problem about the way in which a contract has been awarded, or a potential risk of doing business with a supplier.
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We are based in Sheffield but cover the whole of Great Britian
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07932 437454
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Mon-Fri: 9am – 5pm
Sat-Sun: Closed