The Good Business Charter

Good Business Charter

What is the Good Business Charter

The Good Business Charter is a simple accreditation which organisations of all sizes in the UK can apply for in recognition of responsible business practices.  Accredited organisations include FTSE100 companies, partnerships, local authorities, universities, SMEs, charities and sole traders. An organisation must meet all 10 commitments to receive GBC Accreditation.

Initially founded by retailer Julian Richer to solve the problem with customers wanting to know which businesses were behaving responsibly and which are not. To be a clear signpost to those organisations that are walking the walk, not just talking the talk.  Who are doing the specific, practical things that show they are caring about people and planet.

The good business charter is open to any business that can meet 10 criteria that has been set out to identify good business practice.

To find out more about Good Business Charter, please visit their website:

Good Business Charter

The 10 commitments from Good Business Charter

Commitment to Employee Well Being

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