Employee Wellbeing
£40 Billion
Annual cost to UK companies as a result of poor mental health
The GBC requires clear, fair and transparent policies that support and encourage employee well-being and ban unreasonable penalties for legitimate sickness.

About Mobius Capital
Mobius Capital is creating a group of independent employee owned businesses that work collaboratively to build better businesses. By helping owners transition the business to an employee owned trust, we are relient on the staff to run the business, it is therefore in the groups best interest to look after the staff in anyway possible.
Employee Wellbeing
Employees are the lifeblood of a company; without them the company cannot function. So, a culture of long hours and high stress is counterproductive. This can become costly to the business with absenteeism and presenteeusm increasing, impacting on the productivity and also the well-being of the rest of the team.
Creating a culture of well being for all employees is important part of Mobius Capital, we therefore plan to implement as many good practices as possible for each business that joins us, not every one will be possible to implement depending on the business itself but the aim should be to implement all processes over an agreed period of time.
Employee Assistance Programs
Creating a central Employee Assistance Program should be implemented accross all businesses, allowing staff to access mental health first aiders on the phone at any time day or night.
Employee Assistance Programs are also able to offer health advice, including advice on things like weight management, stopping smoking or vaping, plus other services that can improve the well being of staff.
Providing this to all staff as should be implemented within 24 months of the business joining the group.
Sick Pay
Ensuring that members of staff are able to access sick pay on the first day of sickness without any punitive delays in entitlement. Giving staff the ability to take a day off when they are unwell reduces the risk of cross infection into other members of the team but also allows the staff to recover quicker and return to full productivity.
Within each business the cost of providing sick pay will need to covered from the business. It is therefore our intention to phase this into each business with guidelines that full sick pay for a minimum of 3 weeks should be achieved within 5 years of our involvement.
Controls on sick leave will be implemented including good practice like return to work interviews and monitoring Bradford scores for all employees, but the details will be left to manage each business to agree.
Flexible Working
“You can’t build an adaptable organization without adaptable people, and individuals change only when they have to, or when they want to.”
Where possible, members of staff should be able to work to fit into their personal life, obviously the level of flexible working will need to be agreed with the individual and the business depending on their needs at the time.
For example, those working in a manufacturing enviroement it would not be possible to allow staff to choose their own hours or work from home, but for some roles it would be possible and where the flexible working will not impact the business, we will encourage each business to adopt flexible working.
Access to Training
“The only thing worse than training your employees and having them leave, is not training them and having them stay.”
When considering training for staff there are two levels, the first is to ensure that each member of staff is trained to perform their assigned tasks, training should be available in a form that is the most suitable for the task, for example; classroom based, computer based training, text books, or informal training.
Additional training woud assist members of staff to take on additional roles that they are not currently qualified for, or training that they would like to take for their own personal benefit.
Creating centralised training facilities to give members of staff access to a wide range of training in different areas
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